Citrusų dežutė pamoka/Citrus box tutorial


Citrusinių vaisių video pamoka ir du receptai. Kas įeina:


Video pamoka , kaip pagaminti šokolado dėžutę

Video pamoka , kaip dekoruojami tokie vaisiai

Video pamoka, kaip pagaminamas pats pyragaitis – biskvito kepimas, įdaro darymas, putėsių gaminimas ir surinkimas. Skonis- apelsinų ir pasiflorų

Papildomas receptas apelsinų, morkų ir pasiflorų.

Edible showstopper dessert!

✅Caramelized chocolate box dusted will edible dust colouring

✅Lemons, limes and oranges with realistic look and with orange–passionfruit filling!

Perfect as a gift or to Impress your guests! Imagine box like this on New year’s Day table !!! I remember in my childhood, we always had tangerines on or before new year’s Day, but now it’s not a surprise anymore, when you can buy tangerines every day!

But this fruit box can be truly spectacular!

Want to learn how to make it , including the box?

What is included?

Video tutorial of how to make actual filling, the cake which is inside the fruit , how to decorate it to make that realistic look, how to make and assemble the box. Video Tutorial is from A to Z

ATTENTION! You will need some tools and moulds to be able to make those cakes! Links and recommendations also included!

Available in both languages: English and Lithuanian!

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