Recipes in English
Panettone Cheesecake recipe
£25.00 -
Praline nuts Honey cake with Bailey’s recipe
£35.00 -
Pyragaičiai “Ferrero Roche”/Ferrero Roche cakes
£25.00 -
Raspberries and pink champagne dessert “Flirty”
£25.00 -
Raspberry and pistachio ganache cakes
£25.00 -
Ricotta (curd cheese) and chocolate cake
£25.00 -
Tinginių rinkinys
£18.00 -
Vol.1 Sponge cake recipe set
£49.00 -
Vol.2 Sponge cake recipe set
£49.00 -
Yoghurt cake with caramelised peaches
£25.00 -
Dia Patisserie chocolate salami
£10.00 -
Trijų sausainių Dia Patisserie tinginys
£10.00 -
Chocolate salami 4 recipe set
£18.00 -
Exotic honey cake Flambe
£25.00 -
Nutty coffee and caramel cake with meringue
£25.00 -
Raspberry and Pistachio sponge cake
£25.00 -
Cake ‘Violets’